Blog: Go with the Flow
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This Earth Day, We’re Building the Sustainable Energy Storage Future
By Eric Dresselhuys, CEO | In the decades since the first Earth Day, the 22nd of April has become a global call to action, focusing attention on big environmental challenges and the shifts needed to ensure a healthy, livable planet for generations to come.

ESS Iron Flow Technology and Florida Sunshine Deliver Clean Energy and Reduce Dependence on Fossil Fuels
By Hugh McDermott, SVP Sales & Business Development | New, long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies make it possible to store excess solar energy generated during the day to use whenever it is needed, taking advantage of the abundant sunshine in Florida.

The Message from National Clean Energy Week: It’s Go Time in the Clean Energy Industry
By Eric Dresselhuys, CEO | To rapidly decarbonize our energy system, we must efficiently and effectively accelerate the deployment of clean energy generation, leveraging domestic sources or from geopolitical allies.

LDES: Enabling 24/7 Clean Energy
By Hugh McDermott, SVP Sales and Business Development | Long-duration energy storage (LDES) will play a critical role in the decarbonized economy as society increasingly relies upon intermittent wind and solar energy generation to provide reliable energy around the clock.

American Batteries Get a Boost from the Inflation Reduction Act
By Hugh McDermott, SVP Sales & Business Development | The Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA’s) clean energy provisions are transformative for the domestic energy storage industry, delivering significant opportunities for utilities, independent power producers and large C&I energy users who include storage solutions in their energy strategy.

What a Week: ESS Welcomes Energy Secretary and Expands Global Footprint as Landmark Climate Legislation is Enacted
By Eric Dresselhuys, CEO| President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and ESS welcomes Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm to our Wilsonville facility.

Yes, Inflation is Real and Higher Interest Rates Are a Short-Term Fix. Clean Energy is the Long-Term Solution
By Eric Dresselhuys, CEO | Wind and solar energy have declined in cost steadily and substantially since 2009 and are now the lowest cost alternatives for new generation capacity. Low costs are a positive, but an often-overlooked additional benefit is the relative price stability that renewable projects deliver.

Made in America: Catalyzing the Clean Energy Future with American Innovation and Manufacturing
By Chris Montgomery, VP of Supply Chain | The good news is that ESS is manufacturing a solution to this challenge and we’re doing it right here in Wilsonville, Oregon, leveraging an American supply chain that creates jobs and delivers value to communities nationwide.

Three Ways to Drive LDES Growth and Accelerate the Clean Energy Transition
By Eric Dresselhuys, CEO | There is broad recognition among policy makers, utilities, independent power producers and many others of the need for significant implementation of LDES to meet our decarbonization goals.

California Can Increase Reliability and Control Energy Price Spikes with Long-Duration Energy Storage
By Eric Dresselhuys, CEO | In California, high energy costs and unreliable electricity have become the norm. Fortunately, new long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies will soon be able to store large quantities of energy from wind and solar generators.
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