Blog: Go with the Flow

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Iron Flow Batteries Turn Negative Pricing into Positive Returns 

Iron Flow Batteries Turn Negative Pricing into Positive Returns 

Today’s energy grid was built to transmit power from large, centralized generating stations (usually powered by coal or nuclear) to distant load centers. The dynamics of the grid are evolving rapidly as more intermittent renewable electricity is added, creating economic and operational challenges and opportunities across the system.

U.S. power generators grapple with negative pricing. Long-duration energy storage (LDES) can help

U.S. power generators grapple with negative pricing. Long-duration energy storage (LDES) can help

By Hugh McDermott, SVP Sales & Business Development | Today, electricity supply and demand must be perfectly balanced on the grid to ensure that the lights stay on and the system remains stable. Fortunately, new long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies can address both challenges and allow generators and transmission operators to benefit from variations in LMP to maximize revenue while supporting a balanced grid.

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