
Utility-Scale DER

Long-duration energy storage: the key to managing energy resources

Worker and transmission lines at sunset

Managing distributed energy resources to maximize resiliency and revenue is a must. Remote microgrids, university and campus applications or utilities balancing DERs all present ideal use cases for ESS technology.

The ESS Energy Center™ is a grid-scale, long duration battery that delivers at least eight hours of capacity and is ideally suited to help utilities.

Ess iron flow batteries being installed at a utility site
Engineers talking about transmission lines at sunset
Two engineers in the field at night celebrating success
Solar and wind power backed by ess iron flow batteries

Energy Storage Use Cases

Maximize renewable generation

Manage duck curves without peaker plants

Defer substation upgrades, conductor replacements, and other grid investments

Enhance reliability

Increase grid resiliency


Shift PV and wind power

Store excess renewables production when available and provide energy to when it is needed. Avoid curtailments and improve utilization of renewable assets.

Smooth renewable intermittency

Instantly react to changes in renewable output with fast, unlimited cycle capability.

Augment or replace polluting peakers

Clean up your resource mix by augmenting or replacing fossil-fuel-based peaking plants with long-duration energy storage.

Enable market participation

Use ESS systems for frequency regulation and other ancillary services. As markets evolve, storage has the potential to serve as spinning reserves and even capacity.

Defer T&D upgrades

Alleviate grid congestion by storing power during periods of oversupply and delivering when needed.

Power microgrids and support virtual power plants

Long-duration energy storage solutions boost reliability and flexibility of distributed energy resources.

Use case: PV and wind shifting

With long-duration storage, it is possible to store excess renewable production and shift energy to when it has greater value. Long-duration and multi-cycle energy storage can smooth and shift renewable to deliver clean baseload power.