Industrial Microgrids & 24/7 Green Energy
Take control of energy costs and improve resiliency

Adding long-duration energy storage can reduce energy costs, improve resilience, and unlock additional revenue opportunities.
Globally, microgrids frequently rely on expensive, polluting diesel generators to provide reliable power when needed. ESS Tech, Inc. (ESS) delivers a scalable energy storage solution that drives down the cost-per-kWh of clean electricity while efficiently integrating renewable energy so that even remote locations can be powered by sustainable, resilient energy.
The ESS Energy Warehouse® is designed to serve commercial and industrial customers. Each unit delivers over five hours of energy at rated power, enabling microgrid operators to leverage renewable investments or improve diesel generator efficiency and shore up reliability. The ESS Energy Center™ is created for larger-scale applications. This solution delivers at least eight hours of energy in scalable building blocks. This solution is ideal for campus-sized microgrid projects.

Energy Storage Use Cases
Behind-the-meter renewable energy time shifting
Demand charge management
Time-of-use tariff arbitrage
Energy security
Utility ancillary services (where allowed)
Load following remote grid
Improve generation efficiency
Manage demand charges
Demand charges can make up as much as half a C&I electricity customer’s energy bill. Tap into an ESS Energy Warehouse or Energy Center during peaks, when demand charges are highest, and reduce energy costs.
Leverage time-of-use (TOU) rates
If your power provider offers time-based rates, save by charging an Energy Center or Energy Warehouse off-peak when rates are low and discharging when rates rise.
Maximize solar investments
Don’t let unused solar power get exported to the grid for pennies. Store that energy for use when needed to avoid paying retail rates for consumption when needed.
Enhance your energy security
Long-duration energy storage delivers reliable backup power when grid power is unavailable due to a Public Safety Power Shutoff, extreme weather, equipment malfunction, or other unplanned interruption. ESS technology can deliver up to 12 hours of capacity to keep the lights on when the grid goes dark.
Gain revenue with market opportunities
Depending on location, it may be possible to use storage assets to participate in energy markets that support grid frequency, voltage and reliability.
Support corporate ESG targets and build your brand
Increasingly, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) performance is a major concern of customers and investors alike. Adding ESS’ sustainable long-duration energy storage technology can maximize use of renewable energy with a safe and sustainable technology with the lowest carbon footprint on the market.
Use case
Pennsylvania microgrid
The ESS Energy Warehouse is integrated with a 115 kW DC solar array to form a microgrid which will reduce peak electricity demand and provide back-up at Sycamore International, a technology recycling company working to enable a global circular economy. The project was showcased at a ribbon-cutting event at the Sycamore International industrial recycling facility, with attendees including U.S. Representative Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06).